
Permanent protection to elevate your textiles for athleisure, outdoor gear, carpet and medical applications

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About Acteev

Acteev是一种内置在纤维中的永久性保护技术, filaments and nonwoven materials. 我们的科学家和工程师团队确保我们的bat365旧网址官网经过独立实验室的全面测试和验证. And unlike other protective technology, our solutions are embedded during the production of the polymer, not coated on after. This means there is minimal risk of shedding or rubbing off, allowing products to stay protected for their lifetimes.

Award-Winning Protection

Outdoor Retailer Innovation Award

Acteev的防护装备因其独特的舒适和先进的保护而得到认可, ensuring safety and enjoyment outdoors.

ISPO Textrends Top Ten Award

As a two-time recipient, 我们继续在提供无与伦比的质量和创新功能方面取得长足进步, high-performance sports materials.

ISPO Textrends Top Ten Award

我们与OOMLA合作的OOMSOCKSbat365旧网址官网因其对无障碍的承诺而获得了ISPO奖, sustainable, and safer sports apparel.

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该奖项旨在表彰用于冬季服装的突破性新技术, outdoor and sports products, 奥升德高性能材料公司的Acteev Protect™抗菌抗臭织物技术被评为2021年户外零售商创新奖的获奖者. 该奖项旨在表彰用于冬季服装的突破性新技术, outdoor and sports products and materials. Acteev Protect因其在四个标准上的表现而被选中,这四个标准是Spark:概念, design, appeal; Desire: opportunity, differentiation; Function: innovation, functionality, insight; and Impact: cultural, environmental, business. Nikki Huffman, the principal business development leader for the Acteev™ textile group, 在户外零售商冬季在线贸易展期间举行的虚拟仪式上接受了该奖项. “We are honored to

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Acteev fabric

Antimicrobials for Textiles in a Post-pandemic World

去年,随着全球抗击流感大流行,抗菌纺织品的创新和需求激增. Now, 随着品牌开始为人们定期离开家的时间做计划, what does the “new normal” look like for our industry? 一个专家小组参加了美国服装生产商网络圆桌会议,讨论抗微生物面料和纱线在我们未来计划中的作用. Trends For menswear, Tony Anzovino, Haggar Clothing的首席采购和销售官,AAPN的主席, predicts a trend toward stretchy, comfortable clothing that can be dressed up or down. 他说:“我们推出了所谓的‘软装’。

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Consumer demand, market challenges, 以及锌离子的抗微生物能力是今天在Techtextil北美2021研讨会“高性能纤维:从概念到市场”上讨论的主题之一.” In his talk “Innovation Is Not Linear,” Kevin Urman, Ph.D., Ascend Performance Materials’ fibers technology director, 重点介绍了公司的Acteev®技术如何从一个小型应用实验发展成为一个蓬勃发展的除臭纺织品平台. “Just a few years ago, the antimicrobial textile market was limited to a few options, 哪些由于色牢度和可持续性的缺点而不能满足市场需求,” Dr. Urman said. “我们发现,消费者越来越渴望用锌等天然活性成分制成的服装和装备,这些成分既耐用又耐臭

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